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[IZIUMSKI REGIMENT] ARCHIVES of Andrei BALASHOV (1889-1969) - Archive of biographical data on members of the Iziumski Regiment, historical summaries. Typescripts, letters-tapuscripts, notes, 66 pp. various sizes; data for the creation of the coat of arms and on the history of the Iziumski Regiment, manuscripts, 12 pp. various sizes; poem "To the Iziumski Regiment on the Day of the 200th Anniversary", N.V.Gerbel, 1851, copy on rotaprint, 5 pp..., 31 x 20 cm; "Notes on the history of General Dorokhov's Iziumski Regiment of Hussars", copy on rotaprint, 24 pp., 31 x 20 cm; lists of hussars of the Iziumski Regiment who died abroad, lists of major generals, biographical data. Typescripts, various formats (some in card form), approx. 33 pp. - Correspondence of A.V. Balashov with families of various hussars of the Iziumski regiment. Concerns biographical data. LAS, typescript letters, envelopes. 291 pp. various formats, 1946-1957; biographical data on hussars of the Iziumski Regiment and various historical summaries. Typescripts, manuscripts, 176 pp. 28 x 21 cm; excerpts from the magazines "L'invalide russe" and "Le Messager de l'Armée" concerning the Iziumski regiment, for the period 1816-1918, typescripts, 132 pp. 27 x 22 cm; various documents on the regiment's history. Typescripts, manuscripts, copies of letters. 181 pp. in various formats. Various notes by A.V. Balashov concerning the regiment, typescripts, 20 pp. - Biographical dictionary of the Iziumtsi. Biographical excerpts showing names in alphabetical order. Third copy. Typescript (14 x 21 cm), arranged in two folders (18 x 28 cm). The collection contains biographical information on the hussars of the Iziumski regiment according to the alphabetical index. Biographies begin in the early 19th century. First part "A-K". Data collected includes all available orders on appointments, promotions and transfers, wounds, battle participations. We enclose: wooden typefaces and various signs prepared for printing the brochure. - Drafts for "Bibliographical Dictionary of the Iziumtsi", typescript with handwritten corrections. 329 pp., 27 x 22 cm; episodes from the regiment's history, typescript excerpts from historical sources. Approx. 60 pp. 27 x 22 cm; copies of texts of "orders" from the history of the Iziumski regiment, typescripts. Various notes by A.V. Balashov, typescript. 147 pp. total, various formats; reactions to the second issue of "Iziumski Izbornik", correspondence and reviews. Typescripts, copies of typescript letters, autograph letters. 160 pp. total, various formats, 1946-1965. - Recueil du régiment Iziumski. Ed. en exil [Bruxelles], 1952. First edition, cover hand-colored. 25 pp. in-4. We enclose: a cover for the first edition of the collection; historical note on the Iziumski Regiment. Ed. en exil [Bruxelles], 1950. 11 pp. in-12; Recueil du régiment Iziumski. Ed. en exil [Bruxelles], 1964. 48 pp. in publisher's binding, in-4. [ИЗЮМСКИЙ ПОЛК] АРХИВ Андрея БАЛАШОВА (1889-1969) - Архив биографических данных на членов Изюмского полка, исторические сводки. Машинописи, рукописи, заметки, всего 66 стр.., разного размера; данные для создания герба и по истории Изюмского полка, машинописи, 12 стр., разного размера; поэма "Изюмцам в день 200-летнего юбилея", Н.В.Гербель, 1851 г., копия на ротаторе, 5 стр. 31 х 20 см.; "Записки к Истории Изюмского гусарского ген.Дорохова полка", копия на ротаторе, 24 стр., 31 х 20 см.; списки изюмцев, скончавшихся на чужбине, списки генерал-майоров, биографические данные. Машинописи, разного формата (часть в формате карточек), ок.33 стр. - Переписки А.В.Балашова с родствениками различных гусар Изюмского полка. Относительно биографических данных. Письма-автографы, письма-машинописи, конверты. 291 стр., разного формата, 1946-1957 гг.; биограф
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