Contact Wilfrid CAZO Auctioneer
Tel: + 33 (0) 1 45 55 18 66 Wilfrid CAZO Auctioneer
At the office by appointment, then at 20, rue Drouot 75009 Paris:
MONDAY 18 November 2024 from 11am to 6pm
TUESDAY November 19, 2024 from 11am to 12pm
+33 (0) 1 45 55 18 66
Expert in Russian Art, Member of SFEP (Syndicat français des experts professionnels en oeuvres d'art)
+ 33 (0) 6 52 33 90 42
Cazo sarl - 12, rue Edmond Valentin - 75007 Paris Tel: +33 (0) 1 45 55 18 66 - Fax : +33 (0) 1 45 55 18 79
EMAIL : - - o.v.v. approval n°2010 - 735
Conditions générales de vente (EN)
Conditions générales de vente (EN)
General terms and confitions of sale
CAZO is a company of voluntary auction sales governed by the law of 10 July 2000. The Auction House CAZO acts as agent for the seller who contracts with the buyer. The auction sales organized by the Auction House CAZO hereby subject to the following conditions of sale which could be modified by salesroom notices or oral indications and will be recorded in the official sale record.
Buyer’s premium
The purchase price will be the sum of the final bid plus a buyer’s premium inclusive of VAT, 30 % (Books 26,37%)
All the bidders that won lots through DROUOT LIVE and BIDSPIRIT will have fees of 30%TTC +1,5 HT
All the bidders that won lots through INTERENCHERES will have fees of 30%TTC + 3% HT
Storage fees :15 days for free, then 10€(little item)/50€ (big item)
Goods for sale
Prospective buyers are invited to examine the goods that might be of interest to them during the exhibits which are organized by the Auction House CAZO before the auction. The absence of statements by relating to a restoration, or any damages does not imply that the item is in perfect state of preservation or free from restoration, wear, cracks, relining or other imperfection. Condition reports may be requested from the Auction House by letter, telephone or electronic mail. They will be sent free of charge but are to be used for information only. The Auction House CAZO will not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The descriptions to be found in the catalogue are drawn up by the Auction House and where applicable by the expert who assists the former, subject to notices and corrections given when the lot is presented and included in the bill of sale. Sizes, weights and estimates are given for information purposes only. The colors of the works included in the catalogue may vary due to printing techniques.
The goods are sold in the state they are found at the time of sale.
As the prior exhibit has enabled prospective buyers to examine the object, no claim will be accepted once the hammer has gone down.
Auction Sales
The bidders are invited to make themselves known to the Auction House CAZO before the sale to ensure that their personal details are recorded. Bidders are generally present in the room. If it is impossible for the bidder to be present at the auction room he could place an absentee bid in writing or bid by telephone, or may use the form, intended for this purpose, to be found at the end of the sale catalogue or on the website The form should be sent to the Auction House CAZO together with a bank identification slip [RIB in France] or bank details at least two days before the sale. The absentee bid purchaser will be informed as soon as possible after the sale.
Telephone bids and absentee bids organized by the Auction House CAZO are free of charge. In all cases, the Auction House CAZO cannot be held responsible for a problem with the telephone link along with an error or omission in the execution of the absentee bids received. The bidder becomes purchaser when the auctioneer has pronounced the word «adjugé», and at this time the
property of the item is transferred from the seller to the buyer, the auction sale is concluded and the items will be placed under the purchaser’s full responsibility. The lot must be insured by the
buyer immediately after the purchase who has to organize its transport as soon as possible because storage and transport will be on his charge. If there is a double bid confirmed as such by the auctioneer, the lot will be put up for sale again and any or all persons present will have the right to take part in the second sale by auction.
Sales are to be paid for in cash and in euro.
Payment must be paid immediately after the sale. In the event that the successful bidder has not given their personal information before the sale, they will be required to provide proof of identity and bank details.
The successful bidder may pay using one of the following methods: - Cash within the limits of the legislation in force.
- Bank transfers
- Cheque with the presentation of identity papers being compulsory. - Bank card except American Express.
Purchase will only be released when payment is received on our account in cleared funds
Failure To Pay
According to the article L.321-14 of commercial code about the event of failure to pay the hammer price and fees, formal notice will be sent to the purchaser by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt and if it is unsuccessful, the item could be put in sale again (called «Folle Enchère» in French) in a new auction on seller’s request, but if he doesn’t asked it in a month following the sale, the auction house could act for the seller in order to cancel the sale or to sue the purchaser and to enforce him to pay.
Collection Of Purchases
The lot will be delivered to the buyer only after the entire payment of the price, costs and taxes. ln the event of payment with a non-certified cheque or by bank transfer, delivery of the articles may be differed until receipt of the amounts owed.
With regard to the collection of lots which have not been taken on the date of sale, you are advised to contact the Auction House CAZO on 33( 0)1 45 55 18 66.
Governing Law And Jurisdiction
These conditions of sale are governed by French low. Any or all dispute relating to the wording, validity and performance will be settled by the court or competent jurisdiction in Paris.
Hammer prices can be found on the website or upon request at the following telephone number 33 (0) 1 45 55 18 66
Attribué à : signifie que l’œuvre a été exécutée pendant la période de production de l’artiste mentionné et que des présomptions désignent celui-ci comme l’auteur vraisemblable ou possible sans certitude.
Entourage de : le tableau est l’œuvre d’un artiste contemporain du peintre mentionné qui s’est montré très influencé par l’œuvre du Maître.
Atelier de : le tableau est sorti de l’atelier de l’artiste, mais réalisé par des élèves sous sa direction. Suiveur de : l’œuvre a été exécutée jusqu’à cinquante années après la mort de l’artiste mentionné qui a influencé l’auteur.
Crédits Photos : CAZO OVV - Photos non contractuelles